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Imagine that …

you knew your people's strengths so well that you could…



Quickly determine who should do what work to achieve the fastest, best results

Engage their full potential and energy by tapping into their natural strengths

Build your team's bench without adding resources

Improve confidence and execution by coaching to strengths instead of weaknesses

Create a unique competitive advantage

You can. Use Strengths at Work® to... 

  • Identify each person's natural strengths

  • Discover how these strengths are at work — professionally and personally

  • Recognize potential limiting behaviors associated with their strengths

  • Create individual and team action plans based on new insights


People who understand and value their strengths and others'...​

Exhibit a greater appreciation and tolerance of individual differences

​Communicate more effectively, minimize problems, and resolve conflict quickly

Demonstrate greater commitment and loyalty​

Get even more done, faster

How would your team's performance improve if...
you could harness the power of their natural strengths at work?

For more than a decade, I have used Strengths at Work in leadership and management training, coaching, and strategic human capital management in the U.S. and overseas. The most frequent and immediate "aha" heard from anyone — from the C-Suite, management, employees, professionals, and specialists who use the Strengths at Work cards — is... “That's me! Wow. How did they know that?”​ 


Steven L. Katz, Author

Lion Taming: Working Successfully with Leaders, Bosses, and Other Tough Customers

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